GSfBS Doctoral Representatives
October, 2024, Theresa Fink, Ricardo Custodio, Mila Lobastova, Jan Gaertner and Fiona Basset were elected as GSfBS doctoral candidates representatives. We are herewith members of committees concerning our interests and will together with representatives of other department-wide graduate schools vote for delegates.
GSfBS Steering Committee
Doctoral candidates council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Doctoral degree committee of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
AMC committees
You can contact us for ideas and suggestions regarding the GSfBS. We will collect your input and bring it to the attention of the GSfBS steering committee and/or office. Vice versa we will bring information or requests to your attention. Our common email contact is
Theresa Fink
Theresa obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Ecology at the University of Göttingen and then moved to the University of Heidelberg to study Systems Biology. In her Master's thesis, she investigated the intracellular pH of Bacillus subtilis during spore formation. She came to the University of Cologne for a PhD in Biophysics supervised by Prof. Bollenbach. Her project is focused on the fitness effects and epistatic interactions of mutations during antibiotic resistance evolution in Escherichia coli.
Ricardo Custodio Duarte
Ricardo has a Technological Chemistry BSc from the University of Lisbon and a MSc in Biomedical Research from the NOVA Medical School of Lisbon. Here, he worked in the Neurogenetics of Locomotion laboratory and was introduced to Drosophila Melanogaster neuroscience and motor control. Currently, Ricardo is working in Prof. Dr. Ansgar Büschges’ laboratory and part of the NeuroNex consortium. His work focuses on mechanosensory integration in Drosophila melanogaster and is particularly interested on how specific proprioceptive structures acquire and relay mechanosensory information to the ventral nerve cord (VNC) and central brain (CB) of the fruit fly, as well as on how different neuronal activity from these proprioceptors updates the nervous system and modulates the fly’s behavioral state.
Fiona Bassett
Fiona achieved her BSc. and MSc. degree at the University of Cologne focusing on
ageing and age-related diseases.
During her Master thesis, she worked on epigenetic modifications upon DNA damage in C. elegans.
For her PhD she returned to the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Hammerschmidt,
where she had already performed her Bachelor thesis work.
Her current project deals with the impact of lipid anabolism on
the maintenance of intervertebral disc integrity, using the zebrafish
Danio rerio as an in vivo animal model organism.
Jan Gaertner
Jan has a BSc in Plant Science and a Msc in Plant Biotechnology both of which were obtained at Wageningen University (WUR) in the Netherlands, majoring in plant genetics and pathology. Here, he worked on substrate breakdown by the basidiomycete fungus Termitomyces natalensis in the Laboratory of Genetics at WUR and during his master's in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology at WUR on transcriptional regulation of dessiccation tolerance in Xerophyta elegans and Xerophyta schlechteri, two species of extremely drought-adapted plants from South Africa.
Currently, Jan is a CEPLAS PhD candidate in the Bucher Lab, where he focuses on fungal-mediated nutrient acquisition in model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana and its genetically tractable root endosymbiont Colletotrichum tofieldiae. His work aims to deepen our understanding of the mutualistic root symbiosis and make the system more genetically accessible.