The 9th event titled “Diagnostic Laboratories - University Hospital & Diagnostics Center" took place on Thursday, 22nd February 2024 at 5 p.m via zoom.
This time we will have the pleasure to listen to:
Dr. rer. nat. Jelena Maric-Biresev Scientific Coworker in Cytogenetic Diagnostics Diagnostic Lab of Institute for Human Genetics Universtätsklinikum Bonn
Dr. Melanie Polke Academic Leader of the Molecular Infection Biology Dept. at Wisplinghoff Diagnostics Laboratories, Cologne
After the talk, we invite you to participate in the Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to discuss any matter with them. Don´t miss it!
We are looking forward to a series of fantastic talks and we hope to see many of you there!
The Organizing Committee
”PhD Career Perspective goes Spring Meeting 2023” - March 2023 - special feature
A Satellite event for Early Career Researchers in the frame of the Cologne Spring Meeting 2023 was organised on 07.03.2023 bythe Research Training Groups mito-RTG and Cell-Death-RTG of the Collaborative Research Centers 1218 and 1403.
Invited Speakers:
Christina Ising - Research Group Leader in CRC 1403, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Germany
Moritz Nowack - Tenure-track Research Professorship, VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Ghent University, Belgium
Karolina Szczepanowska - Research Group Leader at IMOL -The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Mauro Corrado, Research Group Leader in CRC 1218 Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne, Germany
After the talk, we invite you to participate in the Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to discuss any matter with them. Don´t miss it!
We are looking forward to a series of fantastic talks and we hope to see many of you there!
The Organizing Committee
PhD Career Perspective Events 2022
PhD Career Perspective Event - 17.11.2022
The next event titled “PhD Career Perspective goes Gateway” will take place on Thursday, 17th November 2022at 5 p.m via zoom.
You want to know more about possibilities to transfer your ideas or findings to application? You want to know how people take their scientific ideas or findings to start-ups, patents or other kinds of use? You want to know what it takes to found a start-up? You want to know how the University and Gateway can support und accompany you in this process?
Then, the PhD Career Perspective Event goes Gatewayseminar is the right for you.
Dr. Isabelle Schiffer, transfer scout for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science and Dr. Constanze Dume, transfer scout for the Faculty of Medicine
After the talk, we invite you to participate in the Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to discuss any matter with them. Don´t miss it!
We are looking forward to a series of fantastic talks and we hope to see many of you there!
The Organizing Committee
PhD Career Perspective Event - 10.11.2022
The next event entitled “Transfer and Start-up” will take place on Thursday, 10th November 2022at 5 p.m via zoom.
Invited speakers:
Bernhard Röck PhD Candidate in the laboratory of Prof. García-Sáez, University of Cologne & winner of the "Startup your idea" Contest for "Cell ImAIging"
Dr. Reza Esmaillie Postdoctoral Researcher in the Nephrolab, University Hospital Cologne & CEO of "Detechgene"
We are looking forward to a series of fantastic talks and we hope to see many of you there!
The Organizing Committee
PhD Career Perspective Event - 10.03.2022
Kick-off event on “Advanced trainers and lecturers”
We’re excited to share the good news: “PhD Career Perspective Event” is starting this spring! In this series of events we will introduce you to fellow experts of different fields to provide first-hand insights into diverse positions inside and outside of academia after completion of your doctoral or postdoctoral phase.
Thursday, 10th March 2022at 5 p.m via zoom.
Invited speakers:
Dr. Anja Neuber Lecturer at Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne
Dr. Michaela Höhne Postdoctoral researcher and freelance trainer