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Workshops supporting your career

You might have asked yourself....

  • How can I create and deliver powerful, well-structured, coherent and interesting talks and deal professionally and self-confidently with challenges in the question and answer session?
  • Is my poster well-structured and do I get the message across optimally? What do I do if a big shot approaches my poster?
  • I have data to publish, but keep putting off writing that paper because I don’t know where to begin.
  • I want to get my own research fellowship but don’t know how to get started.
  • I am curious about job opportunities outside academic research and it makes me feel insecure, do I have the right skills?
  • Do I know how to test my hypotheses, calculate sample sizes, the difference between p-Value and confidence intervals?
  • I have big data and don't know how to best handle, treat and analyze them. I would like to learn the programming language R.
  • To convey the scientific message, do I use text, tables or plots?
  • I always felt that my PhD project could be managed better and I would like to learn how.
  • How can I resolve conflicts and even move things forward?
  • How can I communicate more proactively with my peers and supervisors? How can I explain problems and progress with my research project in the best possible way? What can I do to master individual communication challenges? How can I identify and correct weak communication? How can I act and react more assertively?

.........the solution is to get training. We welcome you to participate in the workshops of the GSfBS! Our tailor-made workshop programme provides the necessary tools to develop and enhance the academic and professional skills you need. Our trainers are very experienced and their expertise is focused on meeting the specific demands of scientists involved in biological and life sciences. Dr. Ruth Willmott and Dr. Rick Scavetta are native English speakers and biologists. Dr. Alexander Klassmann is a mathematician who has long term experience in teaching biologists, Dr. Michaela Höhne and Prof. Röbbe Wünschiers are biologists. Sabine Lerch is a communication consultant focusing on the specific communication needs of Life and Natural Scientists.

Important information: Students fulfilling the requirements of the GSfBS Core Programme are preferred for the workshops.
For workshop requests and registration (except for Good Scientific Conduct) please contact Kathy Joergens

Good Scientific Conduct (compulsory part of the GSfBS core programme)

Workshop/Lecture/Seminar SeriesWhoWhen in your doctorate?Dates

Biases in Science by Prof. Niels Gehring

Individual topics by independent group leaders

University regulations, the analogous notebook 
Dr. Isabell Witt

Authorships and contributorships, forms of plagiarism Dr. Kateria Vlantis

Doctoral researchersas early as 

This workshop is compulsory.

Preparatory work is needed.
Documents for the module are
accessible via ILIAS. For registration
for the workshop and access to the ILIAS folder, please contact Isabell Witt.

Next workshop: April 3, 2025 from 9 - ~ 17:00
Room 4.30 CoMB Building (Lecture Hall 4th floor)

Good Scientific Practice  

PD Dr. Gabriella Lundkvist gives a workshop at the MPIs
for the Biology of Ageing and for Plant Breeding Research
for and limited to the doctoral candidates of the institutes
including CGA and IMPRS.
This workshop is equivalent to the GSC workshops offered by the GSfBS.
















Presenting and Writing, Career Management

Dr. Ruth Willmott

WorkshopWho?Phase of the doctorate?Dates
Career OrientationDoctoral researchersat the beginning of your doctorate17.11.2025
Showcasing your research
at international scientific meetings.
Abstracts, Posters and Presentations
Doctoral researchersAny time before you want/need
to write an abstract for a conference,
present a poster and/or give a (short)
presentation on a conference.
If you had a poster or
presentation workshop 
with Dr. Willmott already,
you are not eligible
for this workshop.
Introduction 3 days
21.05. - 23.05.2025
follow up 2 days
26.05. - 27.05.2025
Scientific WritingDoctoral researchers1,5 - 2,5 year into the doctorate or
when you start drafting an
annual report or a publication
the workshop is 3 full days
12.03. - 14.03.2025
Getting Funded (GF)Doctoral researchersone year before you start applying
for a postdoc
introduction 1,5 days
follow up 2 x 1 day
16.06. - 17.06.2025
Career Mentoring
and Management
Doctoral researchersone year before you start
applying for jobs
on the wider job market
introduction 1,5 days
10. - 11.03.2025
follow up 2 x 1 day
17.03. or 18.03.2025



















Leading, Managing Projects and Conflicts

Sabine Lerch

Trainer: Sabine Lerch (sabine lerch)   
WorkshopWhoWhich phase of the doctorate?Dates
Skills for project managersDoctoral candidates and
early stage postdocs
Any time
but better earlier than later
online workshop
27.01. - 29.01.2025
Conflict managementDoctoral candidates and
early stage postdocs
Any time
but better earlier than later
workshop in presence
08.07. - 09.07.2025


ChIP-Seq analysis: from fastq files to figures

Dr. Michaela Höhne-Wiechmann

(Also suitable for CUT&Tag, DSBCapture and ATAC-Seq data).
This course has been developed to enable doctoral candidates and postdocs to analyze their own data while being concise and flexible enough to fit their busy schedules. Each module consists of several short videos, each about 10-15 min long, that can be watched whenever there is time. To deepen the understanding, questions and exercises will be provided at the end of many videos. For each module, there is going to be a live Q&A session via zoom where questions can be asked and exercises discussed. The course will start with an introductory meeting in zoom and consists of four modules covering all steps needed to analyse ChIP-Seq data.

Dr. Michaela Höhne-Wiechmann
- expected to start August 2025 -whenwho what 
Module 1 - Introduction to UnixUseful commands, installing programs, using a high-performance clusterstbaDocs and PostdocsQ & A
Module 2 - From fastq files to count matrixQuality control, adapter trimming, alignment, peak calling, count matrix generationtbaDocs and PostdocsQ & A
Module 3 - From count matrix to differentially enriched regionsIntroduction to R, differential analysis with two or more conditionstbaDocs and PostdocsQ & A
Module 4 - Different options for further analysesBigwig files and IGV browser, profiles and heatmaps, gene annotation, transcription factor binding sites, copy number aberrations, intervene pairwisetbaDocs and PostdocsQ & A





Prof. Dr. Röbbe Wünschiers


Trainer: Prof. Dr. Röbbe Wünschiers   
Workshop (in presence)WhoWhenDates


The four-day workshop covers practical training and introduction to:

  • Linux and data processing in the command line with Bash, Sed, AWK and RegEx
  • Data management with GitHub and Jupyter Notebooks
  • The MariaDB data base system

Practical training includes:

  • - BLASTing Forensic PCR Primers
  • - In Search of Differences in Proteomes
  • - Querying for Potential Redox-Regulated Enzymes
  • - In Search of Differences in Proteomes 

The course is based on the lecturer's textbook, which can be downloaded at 

Doctoral researchers and
early stage postdocs
any time









R - workshops

Dr. Alexander Klassmann


R-workshops (in presence)WhoDates
Introduction to R for beginners (4 modules)advanced MSc, doctoral students, postdocs1, 2, 4, 5 Sept 2025
Statistical Testing with R (3 modules)advanced MSc, doctoral students, postdocs8, 9, 11 Sept 2025
Survival Analysis with R (1 module)advanced MSc, doctoral students, postdocs12 Sept 2025 / am
Gene Ontology (1 module)advanced MSc, doctoral students, postdocs12 Sept 2025 / pm
R package ggplot (1 module)advanced MSc, doctoral students, postdocs15 Sept 2025 / am
Principal Component Analysis with R (1 module)advanced MSc, doctoral students, postdocs15 Sept 2025 / pm
R package "DESeq2" (2 modules)advanced MSc, doctoral students, postdocs16 Sept 2025




Statistics, Programming with R, Analyzing and Visualizing data

Dr. Rick Scavetta

Trainer: Dr. Rick Scavetta (scavetta academy)   
Online WorkshopsWhoWhen during the doctorate?Dates
Stats LiteracyDoctoral researchersearly phaseLive Sessions: 7./14./21./23. Mai 2025 
Data AnalysisDoctoral researchers and early stage postdocsany timeLive Sessions: 2./9./11./16. April 2025
Data VisualisationDoctoral researchers and early stage postdocs who know how to use the programming language Rany timeexpected in 2026