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Women in Science

The step from completing a doctoral thesis to joining a top-ranking international research lab for postdoctoral work requires courage, and the next step, of succeeding as a postdoctoral fellow in the new lab, requires more assertiveness than may have been necessary as a graduate student. While scientific excellence is a prerequisite for both steps, it is not sufficient, and those women who are not naturally assertive may need to be helped with the first and prepared for the second step. Special training for young female scientists who strive for a career in academic research is offered by the GSfBS.

Fast Tract to Independence Career advancement for female doctoral students, a retreat in Vienna
The workshop is aimed at promoting the careers of promising early stage women scientists by providing the tools required to secure funding from a prestigious funding awarding body for a post-doctoral position, thereby enabling successful awardees to better achieve their full potential and to fulfill their career aims. The training will also cover the basics of research management and leadership, importance of effective networking as well as key issues pertaining to career planning. The trainer for this retreat is Dr. Ruth Willmott. Open calls are sent by email to registered GSfBS students, participation is limited to students who fulfil the GSfBS core programme requirements.


Career Support for Female Researchers

The Human Ressource Department of the University of Cologne offers a number of Mentoring Programmes for female scientists at different career levels.

The following website provides an overview on all Mentoring Programmes currently installed at the University: and furthermore informs about measures for female career advancement.

Cornelia Harte Mentoring Programes (CHM)

To support career planning of female scientists interested in persueing a non-academic career, the University of Cologne has launched a mentoring program in cooperation with industrial partners.

Information about the mentoring program and the application process for mentees is provided here.
Please note that although English speeking mentors can be available, the framework program (network meetings and workshops) is in German only.

International Female Scholars (IFS) Mentoring

International female scholars are offered a workshop and mentoring program including one-to-one mentoring, cross-cultural competence training, seminars and workshops, networking-meetings and individual coaching sessions.
Please follow this link for further information.